Who is WHO ?

As soon as many people know about a legally justified global crime, those who are responsible for it can no longer pursue their plans in secret!

Have you received the Who is WHO flyer? Were you familiar with its content? Or did you come across this website by chance?

Here you will find ten key topics that we are facing with the WHO pandemic treaty and the amended International Health Regulations (IHR). For each topic, there is further information with sources under details. You will also find a wealth of additional information as well as specific suggestions on what you can do to defend yourself.  



. . . the World Health Organization (WHO) will intervene directly in your life in the event of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in the future and thus supersede our rule of law?

The World Health Organization (WHO) is working with its donors on a global pandemic treaty and the International Health Regulations (IHR). It is planning a set of rules consisting of two pillars: The amendment to the existing International Health Regulations and the establishment of a new historic WHO Pandemic Treaty.

1. Amendments to the International Health Regulations:

Article-by-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) submitted in accordance with decision WHA75(9) (2022) – 6 february 2023

Proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations IHR (2005)

Second meeting of the working group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) A/WGIHR/2/5 – 6 february 2023

2. Pandemic Treaty

What Is the Zero Draft of the WHO CA+?

Zero-Draft 2023/02/01
Draft 2023/05/22
Draft 2023/06/02
Draft 2023/10/16
Draft 2023/10/30
Draft 2024/03/13
Draft 2024/04/22


. . . in the future, the current head of the WHO (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) will be able to dictate to you what health measures are to be taken for the greater good, impose travel and living restrictions on the global population based on which government sanctioned pharmaceutical products you have submitted to and paid for?

When a global public health emergency occurs, the decision lies solely with the Director-General of the WHO (Article 12, Section 1 IHR), and it concludes only when determined by the Director-General.

The working group on the extension of the IHR 2005 makes a very clear statement on Article 12 (Determination of a public health emergency of international concern, public health emergency of regional concern, or intermediate health alert) in its report of February 6, 2023:

The Article places emphasis on consultation with the State Party in whose territory the event occurs, and the obligation of the Director-General to seek the views of an Emergency Committee, while also stating that the ultimate decision to make the determination of a PHEIC remains with the Director-General, […]

In the event of a PHEIC, the Director-General is obligated to consult with the States and with the Emergency Committee, but the ultimate decision regarding the declaration of a PHEIC rests solely with one individual: the Director-General of the WHO.

Article-by-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) submitted in accordance with decision WHA75(9) (2022) – 6 february 2023

Second meeting of the working group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) A/WGIHR/2/5 – 6 february 2023


. . . your civil rights as an individual will no longer exist and you will find no official agency to defend them, either at the state or federal level. The WHO will have ultimate legal say over any and all claims against its decisions and protocols?

According to the new contracts, a decision of the Director-General cannot be appealed by anyone. It is difficult to prove something that is not present in the contracts.

Fundamental rights are essentially people’s rights to defend themselves against arbitrary state control, which allows us to defend ourselves against attacks by the state. By accepting the WHO pandemic treaty and the IHR, our political representatives are making commitments on our behalf, all of which we must comply with without scrutiny. There are no rights of defense against WHO abuses, which our elected representatives in every country have authorized themselves to implement.

A Brief History of Human Rights (The Constitution of the United States of America (1787) and Bill of Rights (1791))

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)


. . . by law, a new historic Global Pandemic Treaty requires our government must meet the requirements of the WHO (lockdowns, vaccinations, etc.) in the future?

Member States must comply with the regulations of the WHO; for this purpose, the legal structures of each nation have been progressively subverted. To this circumstance, the effect of Articles 13A (WHO Led International Public Health Response) and 42 (Implementation of health measures) of the IHR is added, which immediately disempower all Member States politically and legally in the event of a PHEIC.

Section 1 of the new Article 13A reads:

States Parties recognize WHO as the guidance and coordinating authority of international public health response during public health Emergency of International Concern and undertake to follow WHO’s recommendations in their international public health response.

So here we have, on the one hand, the blanket recognition of the authority of the WHO in the case of a PHEIC, as well as the blanket obligation to follow the “recommendations”. That’s how easy it is to turn recommendations into commands.

Article 42 of the IHR specifies that all “recommendations” must be implemented “without delay” – “shall be initiated and completed without delay”.

Articles 15 and 16 of the IHR distinguish between “Temporary recommendations” (PHEIC) and “Standing recommendations”.

Article-by-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) submitted in accordance with decision WHA75(9) (2022)


. . . our politicians will not have an active say in who will impose whatever instructions, and protocols will be required?

While international corporations, lobbyists, foundations and the EU Commission negotiate the treaties together with the WHO, the national governments wait to implement what others have decided.

On the reform of the International Health Regulations, it is reported in the “Short News” of the German Bundestag on June 29, 2023:

Das Verhandlungsmandat für die Änderungen der IGV sei von den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten an die EU-Kommission zur effizienten Bündelung der europäischen Interessen übertragen worden. Begleitet würden die Verhandlungen der Arbeitsgruppen vor Ort von Mitarbeitern der Ständigen Vertretung Deutschlands bei den Vereinten Nationen.

The negotiating mandate for the amendments to the IHR has been transferred from the EU Member States to the EU Commission for the efficient bundling of European interests. The negotiations of the working groups would be accompanied on site by staff from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations.

In the “Answer (20/7438)” of the Federal Government to a “Minor Interpellation (20/7142)” of the AfD faction, page 3 reads:


Hat die Bundesregierung Vorschläge zur Änderung der IGV im eigenen Namen und/oder im Verbund mit anderen Gruppierungen bzw. Institutionen oder Ländern vorgelegt, und wenn ja, welche, und welche Vorschläge stammen ausschließlich von der Bundesregierung, und wenn nein, warum nicht?

Has the Federal Government submitted proposals to amend the IHR in its own name and/or in association with other groups or institutions or states, and if so, which ones, and which proposals come exclusively from the Federal Government, and if not, why not?


Das Verhandlungsmandat für die Änderungen der Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften wurde an die Kommission der Europäischen Union (EU) übertragen. Die EU-Kommission hat mit allen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten gemeinsam eigene Änderungsvorschläge erarbeitet und vorgelegt. Die Änderungsvorschläge der Europäischen Union sind öffentlich im Internet einsehbar ( unter „2. Amendments to the International Health Regulations“).

The negotiating mandate for the amendments to the International Health Regulations has been transferred to the Commission of the European Union (EU). The EU Commission has worked with all EU Member States to develop and submit its own proposals for amendments. The European Union’s proposed amendments are publicly available on the Internet ( under ‘2nd Amendments to the International Health Regulations’).


. . . this new treaty provides the WHO with the exclusive power to choose, decide, or select which products we use? Competing products from other manufacturers and nations will not be considered.

In the context of a health emergency, free competition is abolished. The WHO thus has a direct influence on the economy.

The new Article 13A has it all. In sections 2 to 5, the WHO is to be given a free hand for allocation plans for health products. To this end, the WHO should be allowed to dictate to the Member States which health products must be produced on their territory and on what scale, and how these products are to be distributed.

Article-by-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) submitted in accordance with decision WHA75(9) (2022)


. . . neither we citizens nor our democratically elected governments can elect the Director-General of the WHO or influence their projects or goals?

WHO’s goals are determined by earmarked contributions, which account for 80% of the WHO budget. The donors, often investors, thus determine the work of the WHO. “Germany is the third largest voluntary WHO donor, with $1716 million in specially committed contributions and $260 million in thematic contributions.”

TAGESSPIEGEL: Wer entscheidet, worum die WHO sich kümmert? (“Who decides what the WHO takes care of?”)


. . . our elected political representatives will most likely approve without question the final regulations, since they are already not negotiating in the interests of the citizens?

Our health ministers and their delegations will vote on the amendments to the IHR and the new historic WHO Global Pandemic Treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024. The IHR will enter into force automatically one year later, unless Member States veto them. The pandemic treaty must be implemented within 1.5 years.

1. IHR: Amendments to the International Health Regulations, WHA75.12

The period provided in execution of Article 22 [or rather Article 20] of the Constitution of WHO for rejection of, or reservation to, these Regulations shall be 18 months from the date of the notification by the Director-General of the adoption of these Regulations by the Health Assembly. Any rejection or reservation received by the Director-General after the expiry of that period shall have no effect.

Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly WHA75.12 – 28 May 2022.

2. Pandemic contract: 18-month objection period, according to Article 20 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization:

Each Member undertakes that it will, within eighteen months after the adoption by the Health Assembly of a convention or agreement, take action relative to the acceptance of such convention or agreement.

Constitution of the World Health Organization


. . . your freedom to travel in the future will depend on the current requirements of the WHO, as it will determine whether and where citizens are allowed to travel?

The European Commission and the WHO agreed on a global health certificate, which, like the COVID certificate, will determine travel opportunities. The EU Digital COVID Certificate will become the Global Digital Health Certificate.

Towards a global digital health certificate: Council adopts recommendations


. . . the WHO will prescribe what you are allowed to learn and discuss with others, since the constitutionally enshrined freedom of the press and freedom of expression is to be suspended?

The WHO equates exchange of information with pandemics which are to be controlled: “infodemic”.

Article 1(c) of the ZD WHO CA+

“infodemic” means too much information, false or misleading information, in digital and physical environments during a disease outbreak. It causes confusion and risk-taking behaviours that can harm health. It also leads to mistrust in health authorities and undermines public health and social measures;

The WHO wants to prevent not only “false information” but also ‟too much information”.

Article 18, Section 2 of the ZD WHO CA+

The Parties shall, as appropriate, conduct research and inform policies on factors that hinder adherence to public health and social measures in a pandemic and trust in science and public health institutions.

In order to create trust in public health and social measures among the population, the Member States should counteract any form of “false information”. The WHO therefore takes the liberty of fighting or having combated opinions that contradict it.

Zero-Draft (ZD) of the WHO CA+ (WHO International Pandemic Treaty) from 2023/10/30

What Is the Zero Draft of the WHO CA+?

Die Abkürzung WHO CA+ steht für: WHO Convention, Agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. (The abbreviation WHO CA+ stands for: “WHO Convention, Agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”.) Retrieved from Deutscher Bundestag – Wissenschaftliche Dienste – Kurzinformation – Zum Entwurf eines Pandemievertrages

In addition to the pandemic contract, the planned amendments to the IHR also require information to be monitored. Articles 44 (Collaboration and assistance) and 53A (Establishment of an Implementation Committee) of the IHR stipulate that the Contracting States should mutually support each other in counteracting the dissemination of “false and unreliable” information. The authority to interpret what is to be regarded as correct or incorrect should be read in conjunction with the Pandemic Treaty. Information that contradicts the understanding of the WHO should also be countered using the IHR guidelines.

Article 44, Section 1(h) of the IHR

States Parties shall collaborate and assist each other, in particular developing countries, upon request, in: […] countering the dissemination of false and unreliable information about public health events, preventive and anti-epidemic measures and activities in the media, social networks and other ways of disseminating such information;

Article 44, Section 2(e) of the IHR

WHO shall collaborate with and promptly assist States Parties, in particular developing countries upon request, in: […] countering the dissemination of false and unreliable information about public health events, preventive and anti-epidemic measures and activities in the media, social
networks and other ways of disseminating such information;

Article 53A, Section (c) of the IHR

The State Parties shall establish an Implementation Committee, comprising of all States Parties meeting annually, that shall be responsible for: […] Promote international cooperation and assistance to address concerns raised by WHO and States Parties regarding implementation of, and compliance with, obligations under these Regulations in accordance with Article 44;

Article-by-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) submitted in accordance with decision WHA75(9) (2022)

You have now learned about the new historic WHO Global Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). Help to make sure that criminals can no longer impose their agendas secretly!


1. Become comprehensively informed in order to be able to hold your ground in discussions

2. Print, copy and distribute this informative flyer

3. Inform friends and neighbors

4. Inform politicians in your local community

5. Sign current popular initiatives, referendums and petitions

6. Focus on the topic at events and demonstrations

7. Carry out poster campaigns and coordinated mailbox campaigns (circumventing censorship) in your region

As soon as the majority of people know about this reality, the potential WHO dictatorship will be over before it has even begun. Resist peacefully, tell everyone!

Thank you for your active support!

Who is WHO ? - WHO Flyers International